Degrees & Fees

Degree Programs


  • Application Fee: $50
  • Enrollment Fee: $3000 per semester / $6000 per academic year (two semesters)

What Does the Degree Plan Include?

It is the cornerstone of your university curriculum. It is a map that reflects your individual program goals, which were submitted when you applied for admission. It becomes the guide to assure that your study includes everything necessary for the pursuit and attainment of your anticipated degree. The process starts with the Inventory of Proposed Degree Credits. Your Degree Plan becomes a formal but flexible agreement between you as learner and UIL. It includes a list of Relevant Life Learning, proposed new learning while enrolled, and a brief statement of your ideas about your major study.

Revisions are encouraged and will most likely be a part of the Degree Plan’s ongoing process, reflecting new opportunities, growth and learning, as well as possible difficulties in your learning journey. UIL provosts acknowledge creative alterations as positive parts of the learning process and of UIL’s philosophy of learner empowerment.